
Huantong Health Industry Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong, China)

Liaoning Huantong Health Industry Development Co., Ltd. (Mainland China Base)

Beijing Huantong Health Management Co., Ltd. (Mainland China Operation office)

What kind of care can be compared to real actions for the health of children!
来源: http://www.huantongjituan.com/  时间:2020-08-10
What kind of care can be compared to real actions for the health of children!
The infant and toddler period is the most important and fastest growing period in a person's life. Taking advantage of this golden period to develop swimming activities is of great benefit to the child's physical and mental development.
Benefit 1: Make young children smarter
Swimming can effectively promote the development of children's brain and nervous system, stimulate children's potential, and lay a good foundation for improving EQ and IQ. Since infants’ swimming movements are more complicated, and this series of complex movements are completed under the control of the brain, swimming exercise can improve the function of the infant’s brain and promote the brain’s ability to react to the external environment and intellectual development.
Benefit 2: Stabilize the mood of young children
When swimming, the massage effect of water will soothe the baby's body and mind. The baby will feel comfortable and relaxed mentally and physically, and it can also eliminate the baby's loneliness, anxiety, fear and other emotions. In addition, swimming will consume a certain amount of physical strength, and children after swimming will be emotionally stable and sleep better. In addition, swimming helps young children develop regular sleeping habits. In addition, it is of great help to cultivate children's cheerful and lively personality.       Benefit 3: Make the heart of young children stronger
The buoyancy of water, as well as the tapping of water waves and water pressure on infants’ skin, all have a massage effect on the peripheral blood vessels, which will enable the infant’s heart to be well exercised. Swimming increases the oxygen consumption of infants' body muscles, and the compression of water on peripheral veins effectively promotes blood circulation and improves infants' heart function. It has been determined that the heartbeats of infants who can swim are generally 6-8 times lower than those who can't swim.
Benefit 4: Improve children's vital capacity
When swimming, the pressure of water on the thorax increases lung capacity, which has a good effect on the development of the thorax of young children. After persisting for a period of time, you will find that infants’ thoracic development and lung capacity increase are significantly better than infants of the same age.
Benefit 5: Toddlers grow taller
Swimming can effectively stimulate the development of the bones, joints, ligaments and muscles of infants and young children, promote the growth of infants and young children's height, and make them stronger. Swimming is a systemic exercise. Children can move their limbs freely in the water, which is conducive to the development of flexibility and flexibility of the skeletal system. In addition, when swimming, the baby's body is level in the water, and the limb joints and spine will not be directly impacted by the ground reaction during the movement, so swimming is a good opportunity to correct the bad posture caused by various reasons.   Benefit six: help digestion
Swimming increases the amount of exercise, physical exertion, and gastrointestinal peristalsis of young children, which increases their appetite and enhances the absorption of nutrients. Therefore, the weight of young children will increase. At the same time, in order to compensate for the energy consumed in the water, the level of growth hormone in the baby's body increases, and the digestive system will actively strengthen the digestion and absorption functions to take in a lot of nutrients, and the child's growth rate will be accelerated.
Benefit Seven: Improve resistance
Soaking in water quickly dissipates heat and consumes a lot of energy. In order to replenish the body's heat as soon as possible to meet the needs of cold and heat balance, the nervous system responds quickly to accelerate the body's metabolism, enhance the body's ability to adapt to the outside world, and resist the cold. People who often participate in swimming, due to the improved thermoregulatory function, are less likely to catch colds and flu, and can also improve the human endocrine function, which is the increase in the function of the pituitary gland, thereby improving the resistance and immunity to diseases.