
Huantong Health Industry Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong, China)

Liaoning Huantong Health Industry Development Co., Ltd. (Mainland China Base)

Beijing Huantong Health Management Co., Ltd. (Mainland China Operation office)

training releated

huantong team training system outline

company background:
1. company Overview
2. Development plan (goal)
3. Summary of company culture development
4. Product introduction and design concept of R&D technology platform (platform, transformation, application)
5. Explanation of product cultural advantages (spa, spa ancillary products, functional solid beverages, etc.)
Huantong franchise store standard service process, basic etiquette, reception process and speech, health guidance speech, spa treatment standard process and speech, extension, retention, lock customer standard process and speech, shop management standard process, Professional system, rejuvenation hydrotherapy, water bath recuperation method, basic function orientation of hydrotherapy machine, basic function principle of hydrotherapy machine, characteristics of rejuvenation hydrotherapy, safe operation procedures, cost, method, principle, basic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, operation application-the adjustment of temperature (Main indications and procedures)
1. Equipment introduction-description, use and maintenance
2. Product knowledge and treatment for disease
1. Product structure (table): product price list
2. Product matching and treatment: efficacy, effect, design and charge
Three,  practice treatment
operation warning
a) warning before use (information)
b) Selection of sales target
c)  attention during use product
d) attention during treatment
e) After-sales trace
f) Customer profile
operation process
preparation before operation
preparation during operation
mxing drink
4. Operation skills:
a) Take pictures for the case before operation
b) sterilization before operation
c) Communication skills during operation
d) Comparison of effects after operation
e)promotion skill  After the operation
common problems and response during operation
affiliate marketing system
affiliate marketing promotion
Affliate marketing: (service level—discount—member —)
3. Customer management system 
4. New store promotion + activation
sales skill
case study
Q&A still